
🍣 寿司 / Sushi
Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish made by combining vinegared rice with fresh seafood or vegetables.
Simple yet refined, sushi highlights the natural flavors of its ingredients and is beloved worldwide.
🥢 楽しみ方 / How to Enjoy
- 握り寿司 / Nigiri Sushi:手で握った酢飯の上に魚を乗せた定番スタイル。
- 巻き寿司 / Maki Sushi:海苔で具材と酢飯を巻いたもの。
- ちらし寿司 / Chirashi Sushi:酢飯の上に刺身や具材を彩りよく散りばめた寿司。
- 回転寿司 / Conveyor Belt Sushi:気軽に楽しめるカジュアルスタイル。
Sushi comes in various styles to suit any occasion:
- Nigiri Sushi: Hand-pressed rice topped with slices of fish.
- Maki Sushi: Rolled sushi with seaweed, rice, and fillings.
- Chirashi Sushi: A colorful bowl of rice topped with assorted sashimi and toppings.
- Conveyor Belt Sushi: A casual, fun way to enjoy sushi as plates pass by on a conveyor.
🏯 歴史 / History
Sushi originated from “narezushi,” a fermented fish dish introduced from Southeast Asia during the Nara period (710–794). In the Edo period (1603–1868), modern nigiri sushi was created and became a popular street-food among common people.
🍣 代表的なお寿司のネタ / Popular Sushi Toppings
Here are some of the most popular sushi toppings you can find at sushi restaurants.
名称 / Name | 特徴 / Features |
マグロ / Tuna | 赤身のしっかりした味わいから、トロのとろける食感まで楽しめる / Ranges from lean and flavorful to rich, melt-in-your-mouth fatty cuts |
サーモン / Salmon | クリーミーでやわらかく、世界中で人気 / Creamy, tender, and loved around the world |
エビ / Shrimp | 甘みがあり、ぷりぷりとした食感が魅力 / Sweet flavor with a firm, springy texture |
玉子 / Tamago (Egg) | ほんのり甘い厚焼き卵で子どもにも人気 / Slightly sweet, fluffy omelet, popular with children |
イカ / Squid | ほどよい弾力と淡白な味わい / Light flavor with a pleasant chewy texture |
🗾 地域ごとの寿司 / Regional Varieties
Many regions in Japan have their own unique sushi traditions using local ingredients.
地域 / Region | 名称 / Name | 特徴 / Features |
大阪 / Osaka | 箱寿司 / Hakozushi | 型に詰めて押し固めた美しい押し寿司 / Pressed sushi made in a mold, with beautiful layers |
富山 / Toyama | ます寿司 / Masu Sushi | 鱒(サケ科の魚)を笹で包んで押した寿司 / Pressed trout sushi wrapped in bamboo leaves |
北海道 / Hokkaido | 海鮮丼 / Kaisen-don | 新鮮な海の幸をたっぷり盛った丼 / A rice bowl topped with plenty of fresh seafood |
福岡 / Fukuoka | ごまさば / Goma Saba | サバを特製ごまだれで和えた寿司 / Mackerel marinated in a special sesame sauce |
🎌 日本文化を味わう / Taste Japanese Culture
Sushi showcases the freshness of ingredients and the skills of master chefs.
During your trip, be sure to experience authentic sushi and discover the unique flavors of each region!