
Maneki-neko :beckoning cat /lucky cat
Maneki-neko (招き猫), also known as the “beckoning cat” or “lucky cat,” is a popular Japanese figurine with its left or right paw raised, believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and fortune to its owner. It is commonly seen in businesses, restaurants, and homes in Japan.
- 左手を上げている招き猫:お客さまを招く(千客万来)
- 右手を上げている招き猫:金や良運を招く
- 両手を上げている招き猫:お客さまと金をの両方を招く
Raised Paw:
- Left paw raised: Attracts customers and people (commonly found in businesses).
- Right paw raised: Brings wealth and good fortune.
- Both paws raised: Offers protection and double luck.
- 白 → 幸運・開運
- 金 → 金運・財運
- 黒 → 魔除け・厄除け
- 赤 → 病除け
- ピンク → 恋愛運アップ
- 緑 → 学業成就
- White: Purity and happiness.
- Gold: Wealth and prosperity.
- Black: Wards off evil spirits.
- Red: Protection against illness.
- Green: Brings academic success.
招き猫は、「千万両」(せんまんりょう) と書かれた小判を持っていることが多く、これは「一千万両」という江戸時代の通貨単位を表し、大きな富を象徴しています。
Maneki-neko often hold a gold coin (a koban) with the phrase “千万両” (sen man ryō), meaning “ten million ryō,” a historical Japanese currency, signifying great wealth.
While, some wears a bell, bib, or decorative collar, reflecting traditional attire of wealthy pets in the Edo period.
Where to Buy a Maneki-Neko (Lucky Cat) in Japan?
The Maneki-Neko (Lucky Cat) is a popular Japanese good luck charm and makes a great souvenir. Here are some of the best places to buy one!
1. 浅草 仲見世通り(東京)
Nakamise Shopping Street (Asakusa, Tokyo)
Located near Sensoji Temple, Nakamise Street is filled with traditional souvenir shops offering a variety of Maneki-Neko. You can find different colors and designs while enjoying the historical atmosphere
2. お土産店・雑貨店
Souvenir Shops & Gift Stores
Many souvenir shops in tourist areas, train stations, and shopping malls sell Maneki-Neko. Some feature unique local designs, making them a perfect travel keepsake.
3. 100円ショップ(ダイソー・セリアなど)
100-Yen Shops (Daiso, Seria, etc.)
If you’re looking for an affordable option, 100-yen shops offer small Maneki-Neko figurines, keychains, and other trinkets. It’s a budget-friendly way to bring home a piece of Japanese luck.
4. デパートや空港のお土産コーナー
Department Stores & Airport Gift Shops
High-end department stores and airport souvenir shops also sell quality Maneki-Neko. If you’re short on time, picking one up at the airport before your flight is a convenient option.
Each Maneki-Neko has a different meaning depending on its raised paw and color. Find your favorite and bring home some Japanese good fortune!